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Enter the world of agriculture and experience the magic of our farm through our guided tours, walk through the fields, touch the leaves and taste the products of our harvest while you get to know our way of working. Join us on a guided tour of our agroecological farm. Discover our history, and witness the beauty of faba beans, blueberries, avocados and apples in their natural habitat, learning about agriculture.
We are a family from Oviedo that after a long and enriching search throughout the Principality, in the winter of 2007, discovered this place and made the decision to acquire the Finca El Ribeiro.
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Somos una familia ovetense que tras una larga y enriquecedora búsqueda a lo largo y ancho de todo el Principado, en el invierno 2007, descubre este paraje y toma la decisión de adquirir la Finca El Ribeiro.