
Table Apple Tree Planting (2014)

(It is in the process of conversion to organic production. First organic harvest date: 2023)

For generations, apples have been harvested in the Asturian orchards for family consumption. This tradition has been lost and nowadays it is difficult to find Asturian apples in our stores. At the beginning we considered planting a monoculture plantation with the most popular and highest quality Asturian variety, the Mingán, but its difficulty of cultivation made it difficult to grow and in the end we planted it depending on pollination and the harvesting period. The plantation is located in plot 53 of polygon 74, irrigated by the Esqueiro river with an area of 5,100 square meters. It has a total of 306 trees distributed in 10 table varieties on the MM109 rootstock: Williams Pride, Prima, Priscilla, Dayton, Liberty, Florina, Reineta Encarnada, Goldrush, Mingán, Reineta Roja.

Apple picking begins each year in late July and continues through early November. Each and every apple is hand picked in order to maintain quality and protect from bruising.

In terms of selection and quality standards, after harvesting, apples are sorted by color, size and analyzed for starch and sugar content. The apples are not washed in order to preserve the natural wax coating that protects them.

Our goal with this plantation is that, with the nutrient rich soil, abundant water, organic farming practices and the love with which they are cared for, we can launch a small production of high quality fruit on the market.

Apple jam

In our effort to make the most of all our products, we use the small or spoiled apple to market our own apple jam.

Hermosa plantación de manzanos en plena floración

For generations, apples have been harvested in the Asturian orchards for family consumption. This tradition has been lost and nowadays it is difficult to find Asturian apples in our stores. At the beginning we considered planting a monoculture plantation with the most popular and highest quality Asturian variety, the Mingán, but its difficulty of cultivation made it difficult to grow and in the end we planted it depending on pollination and the harvesting period.


The plantation is located in plot 53 of polygon 74, irrigated by the Esqueiro river with an area of 5,100 square meters. It has a total of 306 trees distributed in 10 table varieties on the MM109 rootstock: Williams Pride, Prima, Priscilla, Dayton, Liberty, Florina, Reineta Encarnada, Goldrush, Mingán, Reineta Roja.


Apple picking begins each year in late July and continues through early November. Each and every apple is harvested by hand in order to maintain quality and protect them from bruising.


In terms of sorting and quality standards, after harvesting, the apples are sorted by color, size and analyzed for starch and sugar content. The apples are not washed in order to preserve the natural wax coating that protects them.


Our goal with this plantation is that, with the nutrient-rich soil, abundant water, organic farming practices and the love with which they are cared for, we will be able to launch a small production of apples on the market.

Varieties of table apples

Williams´ Pride

Variedad muy temprana.


Florece a mediados de abril, al igual que Prima y Florina.


Florece cuando Prima con la que se poliniza. 


Florece a mitad de Abril, es un buen polinizador de Florina.


Florece a final de abril, buen polinizador de Prima.

Reineta roja

Floración de las más tardías.


Fruto y árbol parecido al Golden.


Variedad asturiana, florece a primeros de mayo. Considerada la manzana de mas calidad en los mercados asturianos.

Reineta encarnada

Variedad asturiana que florece a mitad de abril, buen polinizador además puede usarse para Sidra.


Variedad relativamente nueva, florece a finales de abril.