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We are a family of five members who, after a search for “something different”, decided in the winter of 2007 to acquire the aforementioned farm for the possibilities it offered us for our enjoyment and for the beauty of its valley, which captivated us from the very first moment.
We are a family of five members who, after a search for “something different”, decided in the winter of 2007 to acquire the aforementioned farm for the possibilities it offered us for our enjoyment and for the beauty of its valley, which captivated us from the very first moment.
The attractiveness of the Valley led us to think about how to value it, from the first moments, we bet on promoting the development of the cultivation of local products and thus cause a wake-up call in other people, especially young people, and show that there is hope and future in the Asturian countryside.
Most of the plots in the Valley are dedicated to pasture and corn cultivation for cattle feed.
We had no tradition as farmers, if anything, our grandparents on the paternal side, with their small orchard in Miyares (Piloña), was all we had as a background.
The reason for the beginning of the plantation with faba beans, as happens on many occasions, was the result of many coincidences, the first one being the Cueto Family, who with their experience and plantation of Argüelles provided us with knowledge; the second one, the advice, help and desire of the technical director of the Faba Bean Regulatory Council, Soledad and the sapience of Tino, all of them contributed, so that the first harvest was a success in the autumn of 2009.
We are a family from Oviedo that after a long and enriching search throughout the Principality, in the winter of 2007, discovered this place and made the decision to acquire the Finca El Ribeiro.
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Somos una familia ovetense que tras una larga y enriquecedora búsqueda a lo largo y ancho de todo el Principado, en el invierno 2007, descubre este paraje y toma la decisión de adquirir la Finca El Ribeiro.